"Studies have shown that women who have regular reflexology treatments during pregnancy have far shorter labours than those who don't."
Pregnancy is an extremely exciting, emotional and life changing process.
The physical, emotional, and mental changes of pregnancy can be overwhelming for
some women.
Reflexology is a gentle, relaxing, and holistic therapy which has been around for centuries.
Maternity Reflexology is a safe and practical therapy for pregnant women and it
is also one of the most relaxing therapies you can have during pregnancy. In fact, maternity reflexology,
along with other alternative therapies, has been accepted in European countries for quite some time and it has been found its effectiveness and success.
It helps to break up blockages, restoring balance and relieving tension. It is a perfect treatment in maintaining good health and well-being during the pregnancy and creating the best conditions possible for mothers and babies.
Reflexology during pregnancy can assist with:-
Pain + Discomfort
Lack of sleep
Fatigue and energy levels
Morning sickness
Stress and anxiety
Constipation and digestive issues
Fluid retention – swollen feet and ankles
Recommended ideal treatment plan to receive the best result is as follow.