What is Ear Candling?
Ear candling is used to clear the ear canal and sinuses, leaving you feeling clearer and revitalized.
This treatment involves a gentle technique of inserting a hollow candle into the ear canal to draw out excess wax and debris. And is has a surprisingly relaxing effect with face lymph drainage and ear reflexology.
Ear Candling is a very unique and relaxing treatment. It can help sinus, headache, hay fever and flue etc. as well as a general relaxation.
What can it treat?
Ear candling can help to promote an improved state of health. The treatment can relieve conditions troubling the ear, such as:-
It also benefits other conditions that affect the head area such as:-
How will it feel?
Ear candles are handmade from beeswax and unbleached cotton cloth and rolled into a cone. This is then placed in the ear and lit. The ear candle creates a vacuum which gently draws out wax and debris from the ear. During the treatment you will hear a slight crackling or popping noise and possibly feel the movement of debris being drawn out of the ear.
What benefits may I receive?
Generally ear candling is useful for inner ear conditions and you may find that you feel clearer in the head. Your hearing may be improved and sense of balance restored.